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Having the courage to face a problem


Countries all over the world have been affected by the terrorist groups that affect us; and there are some groups that are more powerful than others. The United Nations tries to eradicate the groups that plant terror in most citizens of the world, and today the Association of SouthEast Asian Nations have gathered to debate and find solutions about a problem: The humanitarian consequences of Abu Sayyaf Group's activities in the Philippines.

The Guardian has attended the first debate, and what happened is interesting. Delegates want to move the people affected from the Philippines, by sea to nearby host countries. Which is something great as a short-term solution, just not something permanent. It is a good idea to help the people that are affected, when there aren't that many. But in this case, almost all of the country is affected. So what delegates would have to do is to move most of the population to nearby countries. What they are doing is to not do anything about the terrorist group which is the root of this problem.

The Guardian does not agree with the main idea of the delegates, because running away from the problem is not a solution. The guardian stands up for what is right, not for what is easy. Which is why the agency believes that the debate should have gone way differently. It is a specific group that the delegates needed to neutralize, and the delegates did not complete that task. 

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We report the truth, and the truth is that the delegates did not have the courage to face the actual problem. It is in our values, that we must have the courage to take the initiative, and we will not stand for this type of solution.

There is always a way to neutralize a group, and in a place full of countries that are willing to help, the delegates should identify the root of the problem, and be able to successfully solve the problem.

The committee still has some sessions to solve the problem, but right now The Guardian, will not support this committee. That was the second session of TJMUN

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